Thursday 25 July 2013

I heart Afrika - Love Build Serve : A Life + A Community + A Nation

Hello Friends

The start of a New Chapter for us and really worked hard to introduce our latest campaign called "I heart Afrika" to you our friends, supporters and colleagues. Its been a couple of weeks since we've been working on this project and together with our friends from The World Race this has been made possible in such a short space of time - We Love you Jacky, Michelle, Hayden & Shari (our L-Squad Media Team) 

Through "I heart Afrika" we excited that we now have a Volunteer & Internship Programme that can support the interns, volunteers and students we host every semester through our two current partners CIEE & The World Race. They have been a dream to work with and look to zoom in to further strengthen our partnerships. So the core focus of this campaign will be creating a support network for our existing volunteers, interns & missionary friends to serve in the Social Justice projects in the community of Phumlani Village & Greater Retreat Communities and beyond. Its really an exciting time for our programme and partners as TOGETHER we can do so much more. 

You can also keep updated through:

Here you can read a blog from one of the Creative Missionaries Michelle Kwak:

Looking forward to fruitful Journey 

Malcolm Josephs

Saturday 2 February 2013

Restoring Hope in Phumlani Village: One Life at a Time

Goodbye 2012! So much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to, as we believe that the "best is still to come" for New Chapter Foundation in 2013. 
This year sees us celebrating two years of working in Phumlani Village with the amazing young people from this community. Has it been easy? Definitely no, but it has been rewarding in so many ways. We've seen some of them move onto high school, find jobs, grown as leaders and getting involved in community programmes.
One such young person is Yanga Simawu, who has since we met her gone onto training, doing an internship and now being employed by an International Community Health Organisation. Who deal with training, education, awareness and capacity building in local communities on health issues that township communities deal with on a daily basis. We look forward to see her sharing her knowledge and experience with the community of Phumlani Village.
We also wish to welcome CIEE Cape Town and Europe4Africa as our partners this year. And look forward to strengthening our relationships and building a healthy and rewarding Volunteer Programme that will benefit both the Phumlani Village Community as well as New Chapter Foundation. This will also be of great benefit to our 4 Programme Focus areas (Kids/Youth Club, Life Skills & Mentorship, Educational Support, Skills Training & Development) that we are looking to develop further this year and reach more of the young people through our programmes in 2013.
Come along with us on this adventure as we "Shape the Journey of Dreamers"
Check us out on :
Twitter: @newchaptersa
Blogger: New Chapter Foundation
New Chapter Family